Warren Buffett fields question from Bill Murray at Berkshire meeting

By Mcenery

Warren Buffett took a call from comedy legend Bill Murray during Berkshire Hathaway’s virtual annual meeting on Saturday, prompting a serious discussion on income inequality.

Murray, a Berkshire shareholder known for his role in films like “Caddyshack” and “Ghostbusters,” submitted his question through a moderator at this year’s remote event, according to CNBC.

“This pandemic will graduate a new class of war veterans: Healthcare, food supply, deliveries, community services,” Murray’s question read. “So many owe so much to these few. How might this great country take our turn and care for all of them?”

Buffett, 89, compared the current situation to World War II before launching into a speech about the haves and have nots.

“We won’t be able to pay, actually. It’s like the people that landed at Normandy,” responded the $72 billion iconic investor. “They’re contributing a whole lot more than some of the people that came out of the right womb, or got lucky and things, or know how to arbitrage bonds or whatever it may be. In a large part, I’m one of those guys.”

“Anybody who works 40 hours a week can have a decent life without a second job and with a couple of kids…Nobody should be left behind,” he said.

The Oracle of Omaha did not say how this should be done. He has previously decried efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, calling instead for an increase to the earned income tax credit, which provides a tax credit of between $538 to $6,660 for people making between $15,820 a year and $56,844 for couples filing jointly.

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