Scrapped Amazon deal won’t stop de Blasio from running in 2020

By Nikki

WASHINGTON – Mayor de Blasio is still mulling a presidential run – despite the demise of the Amazon deal.

“I have not ruled it out,” de Blasio told NBC’s Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press” Sunday.

He added that he didn’t think Amazon’s decision to pull out of a deal with New York City would impact his chances.

“I don’t think anything about the Amazon decision affects the bigger debate in this country about the fact that if we don’t address this income inequality our country’s security and stability is threatened. I’m going to be talking about that all over this nation,” de Blasio said.

De Blasio called himself a “proud progressive,” but without being too critical of other more left-leaning members of the Democratic Party he explained that progressives needed to be concerned with jobs – like the thousands Amazon would have brought to the area – while also giving back to working people.

“We can do that in the context of a thriving economy,” de Blasio argued.

He blamed Amazon, not vocal members of his party, for pulling out of the New York City deal.

“Let’s be clear, no one chased away, this was Amazon’s arbitrary decision,” de Blasio said.

Hizzoner said the company “took their ball and went home.”

“They said they wanted a partnership, but the minute there were criticisms they walked away. What does that say to working people that a company would leave them high and dry simply because some people raised criticisms, but they had a clear majority on their side? That’s what bothers me. They were more concerned about their corporate image,” the mayor said. “They couldn’t handle the heat in the kitchen, it looks like.”

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