Turkey says Kurdish fighters still remain near Syrian border

By Mccarth

SURUC, Turkey — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on Russia and the U.S. to keep to their promises to ensure that Syrian Kurdish fighters pull out of Syrian borders areas with Turkey.

Erdogan says the Kurdish fighters are still present in several areas.

Erdogan also said on Tuesday that Turkish troops are being attacked by some Syrian Kurdish fighters from areas they had retreated to, adding that Turkey would not “remain a spectator” to these assaults.

Two cease-fire agreements — brokered by the U.S. and Russia— halted Turkey’s military offensive into Syria to allow for the Kurdish fighters to withdraw 30 kilometers, about 19 miles, away from the border.

Erdogan’s spoke as Turkish and Russian troops carried out their second joint patrols in northeast Syria under a deal reached with Moscow.

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