Brazil’s Bolsonaro headlines anti-democratic rally, amid alarm over handling of virus

By Hannah

BRASILIA/RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro attacked Congress and the courts in a speech to hundreds of supporters on Sunday as the number of coronavirus cases blew past 100,000 in Brazil, underlining the former army captain’s increasing isolation as he downplays the impacts of the pandemic.

Right-wing Bolsonaro has drawn widespread criticism from across the political spectrum for dismissing the threat of the virus in Brazil, which has registered 101,147 confirmed cases and 7,025 deaths, according to the most recent data from the Health Ministry.

On Sunday, dozens of public figures signed an open letter to the Brazilian government calling on officials to protect the nation’s indigenous people, who often live in remote locations with limited access to healthcare.

At the same time, Bolsonaro faces the most serious political crisis of his mandate, after his popular justice minister, Sergio Moro, quit last week and accused the president of firing the federal police chief in a bid to appoint a personal ally and obstruct graft probes targeting his sons.

Brazil’s Supreme Court blocked Bolsonaro’s pick for a new chief on Wednesday, enraging the president.

On Saturday, former justice minister Moro, among Brazil’s most popular public figures due to his tough stance on graft, presented testimony regarding possible obstruction of justice by Bolsonaro. Hours before, the president called Moro “Judas” on Twitter, referring to the apostle that betrayed Jesus.

As Bolsonaro’s relationship with legislators and the courts has cooled, he has become increasingly dependent on a cadre of advisers in his government who are active or former military.

As in an April rally also attended by Bolsonaro, demonstrators on Sunday called for the closing of the Supreme Court and Congress, and a return to authoritarian measures used during Brazil’s 1964 to 1985 military regime.

“We have the armed forces at the people’s side: the side of order, democracy, liberty,” Bolsonaro said in a speech transmitted live on Facebook.


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