Kamala Harris and Trump campaign spar over plastic straws

By Marisa

WASHINGTON – Sen. Kamala Harris came out in favor of banning plastic straws Wednesday — a position the Trump campaign promptly pounced on.

“We do need to ban the plastic,” the California Democrat said when asked at CNN’s Climate Town Hall.

President Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale responded on Twitter by peddling “Trump Straws” — billed as a solution to “liberal paper straws [that] don’t work.”

“Kamala Harris just said she wants to BAN plastic straws — the only kind that actually work!” Parscale tweeted, with a link to the Trump campaign store that sells Trump straws for $15.

Even Harris acknowledged the flimsy paper straw replacements are “difficult” to drink from and can crumble and bend if you don’t gulp up your drink quickly enough.

But she remained optimistic America can find a better replacement for plastic straws for the sake of the environment.

“We got to kinda perfect that one a little bit more,” Harris said with a laugh. “Innovation is a process.”

Harris was one of 10 Democrats appearing on CNN Wednesday for a marathon townhall on tackling the climate crisis.

Harris said she supports a ban on fracking and would get rid of the filibuster if Senate Republicans stand in the way of passing the Green New Deal – reducing the 60-vote threshold to a simple majority.

Harris said she wants to boost consumer awareness by expanding food nutrition labels to measure the impact the food has on the environment.

Harris even backed changing the government dietary guidelines – once known as the food pyramid – to reduce red meat consumption.

But she stopped short of any outright restrictions on red meat.

“I love cheeseburgers from time to time … I just do,” Harris quipped.

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