Kamala Harris’ plane safely returns to air base after technical issue

By Lungariello

US Vice President Harris’ airplane was forced to turn around and return to Joint Base Andrews shortly after takeoff Sunday because of a “technical issue.”

“I’m good, I’m good,” Harris said after getting off the plane, which landed safely 30 minutes after taking flight.

“We all said a little prayer, but we’re good,” Harris said, according to The Associated Press.

She had been on her way to Guatemala City in her first international trip as vice president.

Spokesperson Symone Sanders said there were “no major safety concerns.”

When Harris boarded a second plane about an hour and a half later, Sanders tweeted a video of the veep climbing the steps.

“The journey continues!!” she wrote. “Looking forward to touching down in Guatemala City for Vice President Kamala Harris’s first international trip as @VP.”

Harris’ two-day trip has scheduled stops in Guatemala and Mexico. She is expected to discuss the surge of migrants from Mexico and Central America heading north and seeking asylum at the US border.

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