Facebook contractor pressured therapists to leak confidential employee info: report

By Sara

Facebook is under fire from moderators who say a company contractor pressured counselors to break confidentiality agreements by leaking discussions with employees.

“This pressuring of a licensed counselor to divulge confidential information is at best a careless breach of trust … and, at worst, an ethics and possible legal violation,” about a dozen employees of Facebook contractor, Accenture, wrote in a letter published by The Intercept.

Sleuths at Facebook’s off-site Austin office review up to 800 unsightly posts in a single shift, many of which are hateful and violent.

Workers have long complained they’re treated like scum compared to Facebook’s Silicon Valley staffers, with one exception — access to free trauma therapists who counsel them about the horrendous content they view every day.

The perk was compromised in early July, employees allege, when an Accenture manager pressed “wellness coaches” for information about the sessions.

The employees demand the manager be reassigned, according to the letter.

“Unless all entities involved address this issue properly and swiftly, they will open themselves up to a plethora of HIPAA violations that are incredibly financially punitive,” the employees warned.

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